


Establishes and Maintains Agreements


Definition: Partners with the client and relevant stakeholders to create clear agreements about the coaching relationship, process, plans and goals. Establishes agreements for the overall coaching engagement as well as those for each coaching session.


1. Explains what coaching is and is not and describes the process to the client and relevant stakeholders

1. 解释教练是什么,不是什么,为客户和利益相关方描述教练流程

2. Reaches agreement about what is and is not appropriate in the relationship, what is and is not being offered, and the responsibilities of the client and relevant stakeholders

2. 就以下内容达成一致:教练关系中什么是合适的,什么是不合适的,会提供什么,不会提供什么,客户和利益相关方的责任是什么

3. Reaches agreement about the guidelines and specific parameters of the coaching relationship such as logistics, fees, scheduling, duration, termination, confidentiality and inclusion of others

3. 就教练关系的指导原则和具体因素达成一致,比如后勤、费用、时间安排、时长、终止、保密和是否有他人参与

4. Partners with the client and relevant stakeholders to establish an overall coaching plan and goals

4. 与客户和利益相关方共同建立完整的教练计划和目标

5. Partners with the client to determine client-coach compatibility

5. 与客户共同确定客户和教练的匹配度

6. Partners with the client to identify or reconfirm what they want to accomplish in the session

6. 与客户共同确认或者重复确认他们想在约谈中完成什么目标

7. Partners with the client to define what the client believes they need to address or resolve to achieve what they want to accomplish in the session

7. 与客户合作确定客户认为他们需要在约谈中解决什么,以实现他们想在本次约谈中达成的目标

8. Partners with the client to define or reconfirm measures of success for what the client wants to accomplish in the coaching engagement or individual session

8. 与客户合作在长期教练合约或者一次教练约谈中对客户希望实现的目标,确定或者再次确认成功的衡量标准

9. Partners with the client to manage the time and focus of the session

9. 与客户共同管理约谈的时间和约谈的重点

10. Continues coaching in the direction of the client’s desired outcome unless the client indicates otherwise

10. 持续朝着客户期望的结果方向进行教练,除非客户表示有其他想法

11. Partners with the client to end the coaching relationship in a way that honors the experience

11. 与客户合作以一种尊重这次经历的方式结束教练关系

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