《PCC Markers》简快音频-8


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Evokes Awareness

7.1 教练应对客户的思维方式、感受、价值观、需求、渴望、信念或行为等提出问题。

7.1: Coach asks questions about the client, such as their current way of thinking, feeling, values, needs, wants, beliefs or behavior.

7.2 教练提出问题,应帮助客户探索从当前对自己个人的想法或感受,跨越到新的或者拓宽的思维方式或感受(即客户是谁)。

7.2: Coach asks questions to help the client explore beyond the client’s current thinking or feeling to new or expanded ways of thinking or feeling about themself (the who).

7.3 教练提出的问题,应有助于客户跨越现有的思维或感受,探索有关他们自己处境的新的或者拓宽的思路或感受(即什么事)。

7.3: Coach asks questions to help the client explore beyond the client’s current thinking or feeling to new or expanded ways of thinking or feeling about their situation (the what).

7.4 教练提出的问题,应帮助客户跨越当前的思维方式、感受或行为模式,趋向客户期望的成果。

7.4: Coach asks questions to help the client explore beyond current thinking, feeling or behaving toward the outcome the client desires.

7.5 教练应不带评判地与客户分享观察、直觉、评价、想法或感受,并通过口头或语调上的邀请引发客户的探索。

7.5: Coach shares, with no attachment, observations, intuitions, comments, thoughts or feelings, and invites the client’s exploration through verbal or tonal invitation.

7.6 教练应提出清晰、直接、以开放式问题为主要问题,一次问一个问题,提问的节奏要允许客户去思考、感受或反思。

7.6: Coach asks clear, direct, primarily open-ended questions, one at a time, at a pace that allows for thinking, feeling or reflection by the client.

7.7 教练使用的语言应是清晰和简练的。

7.7: Coach uses language that is generally clear and concise.

7.8 教练应让客户在(教练环节中)说大多数的话。

7.8: Coach allows the client to do most of the talking.

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