《PCC Markers》简快音频-9


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Facilitates Client Growth

8.1 教练应邀请或允许客户,就客户想在这个环节中实现的成果来探索进展。

8.1: Coach invites or allows the client to explore progress toward what the client wanted to accomplish in this session.

8.2 教练应邀请客户表达或探索在这个教练环节中对他们自己的学习(即我是谁)。

8.2: Coach invites client to state or explore the client’s learning in this session about themself (the who).

8.3 教练邀请客户表述或探索在这个教练环节中对他们处境的学习(即什么事)。

8.3: Coach invites the client to state or explore the client’s learning in this session about their situation (the what).

8.4 教练邀请客户考虑如何运用他们从这个教练环节中收获的新认知。

8.4: Coach invites the client to consider how they will use new learning from this coaching session.

8.5 教练应陪伴客户,设计教练环节后的思考、反思或行动。

8.5: Coach partners with the client to design post-session thinking, reflection or action.

8.6 教练应陪伴客户考虑如何前进,包括资源、支持或潜在的阻碍。

8.6: Coach partners with the client to consider how to move forward, including resources, support or potential barriers.

8.7 教练应陪伴客户,去设计适用于客户自己的最佳问责方式。

8.7: Coach partners with the client to design the best methods of accountability for themselves.

8.8 教练应庆祝客户取得的进步和学习。

8.8: Coach celebrates the client’s progress and learning.

8.9 教练应陪伴客户达成他们想如何去结束这次教练环节。

8.9: Coach partners with the client on how they want to complete this session.

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